What We Do
Throughout the year, the PTA organizes and sponsors several events geared toward building our amazing school community. We also strive to support the greater Bethesda community with a number of charitable events and activities.
Community Building
Sister School
In collaboration with our sister school, JoAnn Leleck Elementary, we plan events like the very popular Trunk or Treat; and hold drives to provide much needed supplies. Every child in Montgomery County deserves to thrive and we are so fortunate to learn and grow alongside them.
Adopt An Angel
In December we partner with our sister school and local organizations such as the Greentree Shelter to provide a holiday gift for those children in our community who may not receive one otherwise. Each year we are able to support over 100 families in our community.
Capital Area Food Bank
The PTA and the student government run a food drive each Spring to benefit those who are food insecure in our community.
Children's Inn Night
The Children’s Inn at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a nonprofit that provides residential services and a wide range of programs to children, teens, and young adults with rare and serious diseases whose best hope for a diagnosis or treatment is an NIH clinical research study. Once a year our Student Government and PTA join together to organize an evening where we can come and serve dinner to those who are staying at the Inn.
Greentree Shelter
We conduct multiple donation drives throughout the year in support of this local women's and children's shelter. The highlight of the year is our Thanksgiving drive which culminates in the Stuffing and Pie evening where we can join as a community to bag the dinners and enjoy some pie together!
NAACP Liaison
We have a representative on the NAACP Parents Council. The Purpose of the Parents’ Council is to provide a forum through which interested citizens may offer assistance, guidance and support to African American parents and students of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) to pursue the highest quality education possible through encouragement, information sharing, positive motivation, critical evaluation and advocacy.
Back to School Picnic
This annual September event is a time for us to welcome new families to Burning Tree and allows returning families to reconnect. Bring a blanket and a picnic dinner or enjoy one of the food trucks on site. This is also the culmination of our School Supply Drive supporting our Sister school, JoAnn Leleck Elementary.
Bingo Night
Calling all gamers! Join us in December as we play Bingo and enjoy each other's company. It's an event not to be missed!
Skate Night
Lace up those skates and join us for a fun evening in January as we rent out the Cabin John Skating Rink for Burning Tree families. See you on the ice!
Math Night

School-Based Events & Activities
International Night
A not-to-be-missed opportunity for all to immerse ourselves in the culture of the diverse community right in our own school. Come join us as families creatively share and celebrate the impressive number of cultures shared at Burning Tree.
Arts Integration
Each year we bring special curriculum related talent into the building to work directly with students using multiple modalities fused into the classroom learning.
Cultural Arts
This includes school wide or partial groups gathering to share in the well curated assemblies at Burning Tree.
Help educate students about how their actions affect the world around them and how they can make a positive impact. The Environmental Education Committee is tasked with coordinating and assisting with “green” efforts at Burning Tree.
Fifth Grade Farewell
A committee of dedicated parents helping to plan an exciting and smooth transition to middle school.
Science Fair
An opportunity for students to display and present science experiments demonstrating their knowledge of the components of the scientific method.
Talent Show
A highly anticipated annual event featuring the talent of our very own BTES students! Students love to participate and to cheer on friends as they take center stage!
Kindergarten New Families
Help be a part of the welcoming committee by engaging new kindergarten students and families!
Fifth Grade Musical
Whether behind the scenes or in the spotlight, be there to see their last hurrah before they take the show on the road… or at least to Pyle!
Spring Fair
A fun filled day complete with a DJ, games, inflatables, face painting, food, and so much more!
Walk-to-School Day
Step right up and join Burning Tree staff and students for this annual community event intended to raise awareness about traffic safety and encourage neighborhood connectivity. Join the group up the street from school to complete a morning warmup and safe walk with the possibility of some Burning Tree celebrity sightings along the way!
New Parent Representatives
A welcome committee for our new Burning Tree families, helping to connect them with other parents in the grade or with similar interests and to be a supportive guide in answering questions.
Before and After School Programming
Enrichment Academies, Inc (EAI) manages the after school club program at Burning Tree Elementary School. It is EAI’s mission to provide a rich, rewarding and diverse after school experience to students, parents and educators with a variety of price points, session times and days offered. Most clubs are offered directly after the school day, right at Burning Tree’s campus and provide students opportunities to explore new activities, develop skills, exercise and connect socially with a greater cross section of their school peers outside the classroom.
Our MCCPTA Delegates serve as a link between the MCCPTA and our Burning Tree PTA by participating in monthly MCCPTA Delegate Assemblies, working with Cluster Coordinators and Area Vice Presidents, and sharing information between the two organizations.
Delegates gather information about what is happening across the school system to share with Burning Tree PTA members and provide our perspective during discussions at the county level.
They also help our PTA members understand the critical role we all play in county and state advocacy efforts and school-system sponsored focus groups, task forces, etc. to benefit all children and public schools in the county.