Who We Are
The Burning Tree Elementary School PTA is a network of volunteers devoted to enriching the educational experience for our children and promoting community engagement within our school. Our mission is to provide financial and volunteer support to school leadership, teachers and staff, while working together to enhance the experience for all of our students. As a non-profit organization, we rely entirely on donations to fulfill our mission. Join the PTA today and learn more about how to support Burning Tree!
PTA Board and Contact List
President: Alissa Peruzzini
President-Elect: Karen Reddish
Treasurer: Sandhya Weldon
Recording Secretary: Nabilah Siddiquee
VP Fundraising: Lindsey Jacobson
VP School Based Events: Sam Harding
VP Community: Sarika Parasuraman
VP Communications: Kim Richards
VP Volunteers: Kara Feldman
Membership Secretary: Maria Simon
Students with Accommodations: Jennifer Sussman
MCCPTA Delegates: Shivonne Jones & Rana Rassipour
Ex-Officios: Maggie Maloney, Fariha Haque, Nina Kutty, Julie Schuman, Shilpa Shah